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About me

I’m Matin Kashanaki

I came in third in the International Guitar Competition in Istanbul. And I’m the author of the book: Mate the Guitar. I was Born on a rainy day on April 8th, 1999, in Iran/Tehran.
In 2020 I graduated in accounting. I live in Italy for the time being and I teach guitar. But when did it all start?

The Story of Me and the Guitar

I started playing the guitar in 2005 when I was 6y/o. My first teacher was my father; a straight-faced and strict but kind teacher who played the biggest role in making me love music. The following year, in 2006 (7y/o), I started learning pick-style guitar under the supervision of Abdollah Mafaakher (one of the most experienced guitar masters in Iran) and in 2008 (9y/o), I took flamenco guitar courses with Farid Jalali. During the Istanbul Guitar Festival in 2019, I was trained by the greatest guitar masters in the world: Loe Brouwer , Victor Monge Serranito and Pedro Sierra. By the way, I’m still learning, every second and every hour of every day. Why? Because there is no limit to learning.


From the Age of 14 to 20!

At the age of 18 and in the year 2018 I became the youngest registered guitar master in the country. I call this my 18 18! In the same year, I started teaching guitar in the most recognized musical institute in Tehran, Roudaki institute. Interesting fact;

my master Farid Jalali works there as well and now we are colleagues! It’s such a great honor.
I’ve been teaching for four years now in many institutes including:
-Azarang Institute
-Saket Institute
-Homaye Sa’adat Institute
-Roudaki Institute
As well as many online private classes.During this period, I had solo and orchestral performances in well-known concert halls in Tehran.
Here are some of them:
-International performance in Istanbul Guitar Festival and coming in third in this festival at the age of 20, in May 2019. 200 people competed in this festival and there were no age restrictions and anyone from any part of the world at any age could be a participant.
-Performing in Khajeh Amiri Orchestra in Vahdat Hall (the country’s most famous concert hall), October 2019.
-Collaborating with Nivaak Orchestra in 2015 and Baazh Orchestra in 2016, conducted by Hamid Meybodi (Presidential ceremonies conductor).
-Solo flamenco performance in Roudaki Hall, January 2013
-Flamenco performances in Azadi Tower, Mashq Amphitheater, Golestan Hall, Mehrab Hall and Ra’ad Hall, 2013-2017
-Collaboration in recording “Tajassom e Yek Roya” (Manifestation of a Dream) album by Farid Ebrahimi, 2017.

Also, in the year 2019, I became a registered member of the Iranian Musicians Association and World Federation (FIM).

You Are the Most Important Part of My Life

It’s been four years since I strated teaching guitar, from 2018, when I was 18. I’m crazy about my job. I love teaching. What I enjoy the most is helping a student play his/her favorite song. I live for the spark in their eyes when they finally learn to play a song. Seeing your eyes shine while learning to play guitar in the easiest, simplest way, That’s the reason I wrote this book.
I wrote this book to spread the joy of playing guitar to all the people who seek it.
And seeing you persuing your passion and improving your skills is heartwarming for me.
You can share your process with me at any time via email.


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